Did you know that on average, 88% of all our decisions & actions are motivated by our subconscious mind?
Can you imagine how your life would be different if you could consciously monitor the subconscious? if you felt and knew without a doubt that you are good enough (and more)? that you are worthy of love and that the world works with you and not against you?
Join us for the experience of Theta Healing. Find the power beyond your beliefs to love without fear, to give without inhibitions and receive without any conditions. Experience what it feels like to surrender to the Source of all life as it moves and flows and express its being through you and as your health and well-being. Discover how your subconscious mind can work for you and not against you. Create what you want instead of what you don't want.
Join us for the experience of Theta Healing. Find the power beyond your beliefs to love without fear, to give without inhibitions and receive without any conditions. Experience what it feels like to surrender to the Source of all life as it moves and flows and express its being through you and as your health and well-being. Discover how your subconscious mind can work for you and not against you. Create what you want instead of what you don't want.
Let's face it.. sometimes there is a real discrepancy between what we understand spiritually and our ability to apply in our lives...
True. It has already been proven that:
- We are powerful beyond our wildest imagination
- We are a lot less separate than we tend to believe
- Each of us is endowed with immeasurable power to fulfill whatever we want
- We can absolutely be free of suffering
- Change is instantly facilitated through a sift in our perceptions and feelings
- Focusing our awareness is in fact an act of creation
Theta Healing is a wonderful tool which allows us to connect to our inner and constant power and heal both physically and emotionally.
It is a simple method with direct access to the non-conscious mind where we can facilitate instant changes with measurable results. By slowing down our brain waves we are able to witness a healing, identify and pull limiting beliefs, download new ones, receive guiding messages, instill positive feelings, change our perception of what is possible and open channels to infinite creativity and intuition.
Theta Healing is an innovative healing method which accelerates processes and awakens a dormant capacity for spontaneous healing, unconditional loving and true forgiving.
The tools are simple yet profound in an inexplicable way. During our 3 days we will awaken hidden knowledge, learn how to conduct an intuitive reading and how to heal through deep listening and witnessing. We will identify beliefs on 4 levels and remind ourselves that we are divinely linked to the Source, forever inter-connected and free to participate in the creation of our lives.
When Vianna Stibal experienced an instant healing from a cancer in her leg, she was determined to share this tool with the world. You too too can connect with the infinite through a Theta Brainwave and experience accelerated creativity, pure love, practical intuition & healing. Together we open hearts and Minds.
Basic Theta Healing Certification Seminar
This 3-full day seminar is the foundation for all Theta Healing practitioners. By the end of the weekend, you will be certified by the THiNK -- the International Theta Healing school in Idaho Falls, USA as a Theta Healing Practitioner
Advance Theta Healing Certification Seminar
This 3-full day seminar deepens the understanding and practice of Theta Healing while introducing new material. By the end of the weekend, you will be certified by the THiNK -- the International Theta Healing school in Idaho Falls, USA as an Advance Theta Healing Practitioner
Michal is now (2012) in Israel--after 23 years in the USA
Teaching certification seminars throughout the country.
Michal travels and is open to teach in other countries in English.
(speaking Spanish as well but not good enough to run a class)
To get in touch with her, you can send an email to
or call:
972-54-3186008 cell
and within Israel:
972-54-3186008 cell
and within Israel:
In this 3-days Basic Theta Healing Certification You Learn:
- What is the healing frequency of the Theta brain wave
- How to access a theta brain wave in 30 seconds or less
- How to effortlessly increase your intuitive capabilities
- How to "look" inside someone's body and give a reading
- How to conduct a group healing with unconditional love
- How to maximize the potential for spontaneous healing
- How to heal from the Seventh Plain and the power of witnessing
- What are soul fragments and how to retrieve them
- An ancient-old secret to getting what you want
- How to find, cancel and change beliefs that limit your life
- Some of the most common beliefs that undermine your power, happiness and success
- How to meet, see and communicate with guardian angels
- How to receive and accept love easily
- Why some people can't heal and how to change that
- Activate your 12 strand DNA and so much more...
Wonder if this is for you?
Attend if:
Attend if:
- You are interested in accelerated self growth and healing
- You or someone you care for, needs healing
- You experience a health challenge that has not been resolved by conventional modalities or even alternative ones
- You are intrigued by the merging of science and spirituality
- You are a healing practitioner (both alternative and allopathic)
- You are an open-minded social worker, nurse, counselor, psychologist etc
- You feel that you know a lot but seem to fail implementing it in your life
Not to Worry...
What it is not...
What it is not...
- it is not a religion or a doctrine
- It is not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis
- It does not treat symptoms but addresses the whole person
- It is an accelerated method, not a short cut.
- It is not automatic. Everyone has a choice.
- it does not require previous experience
What to expect:
- liberation from limiting thought forms
- Reconnect to inner resources and power
- Sharpen your intuition and your psychic abilities
- Deep and real acceptance
- Ability to create what you want
- Insights in regards to major decisions
- Ability to assist others to heal and fulfill their potential
- A certification from the International Theta Healing school
Want to learn more?
Here are some more Q & A
Here are some more Q & A
What is Theta Healing?A simple technique easy to implement which allows us to identify and change subconscious thought forms that limit our ability to accomplish our goals. Such goals can be emotional or physical healing, a wish for change or certain accomplishments. It is an accelerated modality that provides tools for personal and/or professional use.
What Diseases can be treated? As we said before, Theta Healing is not treating symptoms but people. We don't have a specific formula for treating certain illnesses but we search for the root of all diseases which can be greatly different for each person. At the same token, there is an accumulated experience indicating a connection between certain diseases and states of consciousness.
Where does the name Theta Healing comes from? Theta Is a brain wave 4-7 cycles a second which is connected with states of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness, trance states, high creativity states, states of high spiritual unity etc. It is proven now through EEG measurements that while we use the Theta Healing channel, our brain wave slow down. This probably allow us to witness accelerated changes beyond our physical senses.
What is this channel of Theta Healing? it is a form of sensed-based focusing, an earth to sky anchoring, focused thought that creates reality and witnessing that sustains this creation over time.
Where does it come from? Through a delightful, powerful American woman by the name of Vianna Stibal in Idaho who spontaneously healed from cancer and who started to explore this healing mechanism in order to pass it to others.
who should avoid using it?
- People who are mentally unstable
- People who are addicted to recreational drugs
- People who see no connection between mind and body
What are the basic principles for Theta Healing?
- We are all interconnected
- There is a higher power whose essence is love and infinite creativity and we can use it for good.
- Consciousness creates matter and not the other way around
- The conscious cannot program the subconscious--positive thinking is not enough.
- Theta is a state where the subconscious is accessible
- We create through witnessing
- Energy follows thought
Can Theta Healing be a tool for Social Change? Real peace will not come from political agreements but from a fundamental change in our perception of reality, from self forgiveness and from the ability to "see" life as it is rather than as we are. Theta Healing is definitely a real tool on the way to accomplish that. We have the ability to create the world we envision through personal responsibility and healing. To do so we are called for inner listening and a commitment to change.
What students are saying:
“Theta Healing changed my life. I am significantly happier. My relationship improved, I overcame my anxieties and after 10 years in the field of healing, I received answers I have not been able to access any other way. I feel that I am touching the truth”. Yanah Shvoot
“When I was introduced to Theta Healing, I connected to something I intuitively knew but didn’t know how to access… as if I was breaking through a glassceiling. I found the method to be effective, practical and immediate.” Offer, Business Developer
“I experienced something very powerful. I can’t wait to try it out and to really embody it. Theta Healing is out of this world. There is nothing quite like it. And Michal was so good, so sincere so giving and amazing and the course was like an enveloping, protective nursery. Thank you universe and thank myself for bringing me here.” Sigal Rahmani
"Theta Healing has got to be the clearest, most illuminating healing process I have ever experienced. Truly life-changing!!" Angelo T Mattei
“I arrived here foggy and a bit frightened. Now I feel confidence and knowing that I am
starting a new path of development in my life. I know I always was attracted here and that I knew it was coming. I am so happy it is HERE! I will tell all my friends about this, about amazing Michal that is always making herself available for everyone. This was s p e c I a l ... Fantastic! Something really different, something I have never experienced before.” Rachel Stiklaro
“I encounter and was privileged to learn an amazing healing method that is so simple in application. This was made possible through Michal’s message and approach, through her unique and amazing ability to create such a strong group dynamic for more than 30 participants. Thank you and blessing on your way that is full of unconditional love.” Lea Calderon
"This training offered me a doorway and a hope for a profound shift in my perception and the possibility of a real dynamic of change. For me it is REVOLUTIONARY! I will use these tools every day in my own growth and in my encounters with others. For the first time I am allowing myself to regard myself as a practitioner. Theta Healing opened a way for me to advance my consciousness, I am going to tell others that this provides real, practical opportunity for human evolution, simply and with minimum effort. Michal for me was the PERFECT facilitator! mature, fully present, authentic, sincere and in the frequency of love more than any other facilitator I have encounter in my life.” Ayelet Ayalon.
“I received spiritual and emotional support. A feeling of real essence and meaning and faith in the inner and divine power. This was a heavenly experience which I recommend warmly to everyone. Who is seeking meaning and empowerment in their lives. It was a privilege to know, to meet and to be close to Michal Golan” Shira Sade-Tsemach
Theta Healing is the Rolls Royce of all healing modalities….” Hagar Perry, healer
Theta Healing was an amazing experience. It lifted up my consciousness by several Degrees and empowered me to help others from love. My memory improved and a client I just treated left astonished. Yehuda, Radiologist
“Two hours after we did the manifesting technique, I received a phone call out of the blue,offering me a different job. The object of my manifestation was to leave my current job and manifest a better one... “ Orly Finkel
Dont forget to scroll down and read the article!
The seminar is presented by Michal Golan.

a Certified Theta Healing facilitator with over 20 years experience in the healing arts, Michal first brought Theta Healing To Israel in 2004, where there are now more than 200 certified teachers, thousands of practitioners and growing. Cross trained in some of the best healing disciplines, Michal is a Polarity Therapy facilitator and mentor, Spiritual Guide and Counselor and a graduate of the Agape University of Transformational Leadership. She is a resourced practitioner with practice in 3 continents. Michal was one of the original founders of the Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence in Los Angeles where she co-created a new platform for personal, interpersonal and national peace. She now travels and teaches Theta Healing certification seminars in Israel and abroad
Michal says: "ever since I remember myself I always searched for tools to express infinite truths like love, harmony and unity in daily life and not only philosophically. My encounter with Theta Healing at the end of 2001 not only offered me such a tool but was a turning point in my my life and professional career. it is an inspiration, a clarity, a precise formula and a platform that gives me a way to fulfill my mission.
Not all things in this world can be explained by science. Sometimes, a sickness or a disease that's supposed to be hopeless, unexpectedly is cured and miracles will happen our way.
I've heard a lot of stories of Thetahealing. Actually you can read a lot of testimonials about the benefits of Thetahealing. I think this healing process also helps us to strengthen our religious beliefs and in ourselves. Although, healing is not instantly done, the good thing is you will learn about yourself and God by undergoing this process.
Thanks for sharing something about Theta healing! This has added to my current knowledge about it. My friends have been telling me to attend classes to learn more. Well, it got me so curious because everyone's been saying that Theta healing can help you maintain your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stability.
My name is Jillian and I represent the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, a leading web resource for those affected by malignant mesothelioma. I recently started to contribute to their blog as the spiritual and energy-healing writer. I’m interested in guest blogging for your site, thetahealing.blogspot.com and offering you a piece on the importance of spiritual complementary care during one’s journey through cancer treatment. Please email me at your earliest convenience.
Love & light,
Jillian McKee
MCA Blog Contributor
Community Outreach Coordinator
Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance
Getting into the "Theta State" is not easy. I believe it can be done with practice and good direction. The basic theory behind this method is to ask "The Creator of All That Is" to heal something followed by you witnessing the event. Both are equally important parts in the process. There are many important things to consider when healing.
Getting into the "Theta State" is not easy. I believe it can be done with practice and good direction. The basic theory behind this method is to ask "The Creator of All That Is" to heal something followed by you witnessing the event. Both are equally important parts in the process. There are many important things to consider when healing.
I'm relatively sure they're going to be informed a variety of new stuff here than any one else!THETAHEALING
Liked your tax blog.Its really informative.Thanks for sharing.
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I agree that not everything needs to be explained. We just need to believe that spiritual healing and God exist.
Theta Healing Scam. The lady who created it, says that she healed her leg of cancer, which is a lie, because she never had cancer. Theta Healing Scam.
The Most Powerful form of Spiritual Healing that I have had is called
Light Axis Healing
Hey very article really loved it a lot.....Thanks for sharing!!!!!
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